
As lawyers at Cronmeyer Haisch, we are united not only by our passion for our profession but also by our high standard of always achieving the best solution for our clients. Together, we represent over 30 years of experience in successfully advocating for our clients. We are a strong team that you can rely on.

Dr. Patricia Cronemeyer | Partner

Dr. Patricia Cronemeyer is an expert in all facets of media- and personal rights law.

In the field of entertainment, numerous prominent personalities rely on her expertise and experience when it comes to protecting privacy, defending against damaging media coverage, or negotiating contractual engagements. To provide direct and personal assistance to clients in the international entertainment industry, Patricia Cronemeyer for many years has maintained an office in Hollywood/Los Angeles.

Attacks on reputation, especially online, also pose a growing risk for companies. For her clients from corporations and associations, Dr. Patricia Cronemeyer handles tasks such as removing defamatory content from search engines and social media platforms. Other areas of expertise include trademark law, contract law, and protection against unfair competition.

Dr. Patricia Cronemeyer, a native of Munich, studied in Regensburg and Hamburg. She has been practicing as a lawyer since 2007.

After holding her first professional positions at the European Parliament in Brussels and the legal department of SGS Group Germany, Dr. Patricia Cronemeyer began her career as a lawyer at the law firm of Prof. Dr. Matthias Prinz that specializes in media law. 

Since 2009, Dr. Patricia Cronemeyer has been practicing as an independent lawyer in Hamburg.

In 2022, she co-founded the law firm Cronemeyer Haisch Rechtsanwältinnen together with Verena Haisch.

Dr. Patricia Cronemeyer lectures as an expert on various aspects of media law, including at the Hamburg Bar Association, the DPRG Deutsche Public Relations Gesellschaft, and the news aktuell ACADAMY, a subsidiary of dpa.

As a member of the Donation Advisory Board, Dr. Patricia Cronemeyer volunteers to support the association Kinderlachen e.V. , which can use the office of Cronemeyer and Haisch as its Hamburg branch. She also serves as a board member for the EAGLES Charity Golf Club e.V. , providing legal advice, and is involved in the animal welfare project Gut Aiderbichl. In December 2020, Dr. Patricia Cronemeyer was appointed to the Advisory Board of the European League of Football (ELF)  Since 2022, she has been a member of the Advisory Board for the „Start-up-Teens“  initiative, using her expertise to support future innovators.

Languages: German, English, Czech

Verena Haisch | Partner

Verena Haisch is an experienced expert in media and PR law. 

She provides support to companies, as well as individuals, in press law and law of expression. offering strategic advice in the areas of reputation management and media litigation. For 15 years, Verena Haisch has successfully represented her clients in conflicts before all courts, from interim legal protection to major landmark cases.

A particular focus of her work lies in protecting personal rights on the internet. She assists individuals and politicians in the fight against hate and digital violence, especially on social media platforms, and for example serves as a correspondent lawyer for HateAid GmbH. For companies, she frequently intervenes in cases involving negative reviews on various platforms, product testing, and (online-) reporting.

Another key aspect of her work is supporting editorial teams, production companies, journalists, and producers in developing legally compliant formats, TV contributions (e.g., docudramas), and contract drafting.


  • Legal 500 Germany Press and Publishing Law: "Rising Star 2022" and recommended in the field of reputation management
  • Consistently recommended by Best Lawyers/Handelsblatt in the "Germany's Best Lawyers" ranking (Media Law)
  • Study "Preventive Attorney Strategies" by Prof. Tobias Gostomzyk and Daniel Moßbrucker


Verena Haisch regularly lectures and publishes on press and expression law topics. She contributes to GRUR Prax on media law issues and is a co-author of the book "Böhmermann, Künast, Rezo – Medien und Internetrecht in 20 Fällen " (2022) (Media and Internet Law in 20 Cases). A podcast titled „Justizias Töchter“ by the Deutscher Justizinnenbund e.V. (Justitia’s daughters by the German Association of Women Lawyers) provides a good insight into her fight against hate speech and digital violence. Verena Haisch actively advocates for the rights of the LGBTQ* community and participates in initiatives such as „Gesicht zeigen“ (show your face) to promote openness. 

Verena Haisch is a native of Munich and studied in Hannover. She has been admitted as a lawyer since 2007. 

Prior to co-founding the Cronemeyer Haisch law firm with Dr. Patricia Cronemeyer in April 2022, Verena Haisch worked as a lawyer/counsel at DLA Piper UK LLP (Hamburg), Bird & Bird LLP (Hamburg), and Hogan Lovells LLP. 

She has been a permanent member of the Digital Working Group of the German Association of Women Lawyers (djb) since 2016, serving as deputy chair since 2022 and taking the lead in the area of Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG)/hate speech. As a member of the FSM NetzDG Audit Committee, she regularly participates in review procedures for major platform operators.

Languages: German, English. 

Alexander Lorf | Attorney-at-Law 

 Alexander Lorf has been a lawyer since July 2021 and joined Cronemeyer Haisch on April 1, 2022. 

His advisory focus is on media and copyright law. Alexander Lorf completed his legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Celle. During this time, he worked at the Hanseatic Bar Association in Hamburg as well as at two renowned law firms, where he focused on media and copyright law with a focus on advisory in film and television law. Prior to his legal clerkship he worked as a research assistant at a law firm for one year. 

Alexander Lorf was born in Gütersloh and studied at the University of Passau with a focus on media and IT law. 

Languages: German, English 

Amelie Seidenader | Attorney-at-Law 

Amelie Seidenader has been with Cronemeyer Haisch since April 1, 2022.

Her area of expertise is press and media law. During her legal clerkship in Lüneburg and Hamburg, Amelie Seidenader collaborated with Dr. Patricia Cronemeyer in the field of press law, besides internships in criminal law. 

Amelie Seidenader was born in Munich and completed her studies at the University of Hamburg. 

Languages: German, English, Italian, French. 

Hannah Büchsenmann | Attorney-at-Law

Hannah Büchsenmann has been practicing as an attorney since August 2022 and has been employed at Cronemeyer Haisch since February 2024.

Her primary area of expertise is press and media law. During her legal clerkship at the Schleswig-Holstein Higher Regional Court, Hannah Büchsenmann completed internships at the Authority for Culture and Media, as well as at a renowned law firm specializing in press and trademark law in Hamburg. Prior to her clerkship, she spent a year as a research assistant at the aforementioned law firm specializing in press and trademark law. After completing her studies, Hannah Büchsenmann spent two years at a major law firm in Munich before deciding to further enhance her expertise by pursuing a Master of Law (LL.M.) in Intellectual Property at the University of Turin in collaboration with the World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva.

Hannah Büchsenmann was born in Hamburg and completed her studies at the University of Hamburg.

Languages: German, English